The 7th Electronic Newsletter

Publishing date: 04/08/2011

Opening Remarks


ACAP is pleased to present you the 7th issue of our electronic newsletter which details the professional work of ACAP during past periods.
In this issue, we will present some of ACAP's most important activities in recent months, which give the reader a general idea on the center's work. Hopefully, this issue would contribute to the bonding between the ACAP's work and the broad audience.

  Watchdog Activities

Arab Center for Alternative Planning Reveals Plan for New Railway Project that will Harm Arab Towns in the Southern Triangle

 “The National Infrastructure Plan 30” Affects the Land of Eilaboun, Buaina-Nujedat and Maghar

A Wave of Forest Establishment Plans in the North 

ACAP Alerts the Citizens of Tarshiha: Submission of a Plan for the Establishment of a Residential Area and a Joint Occupational Area in Maalot-Kafr Havradim

ACAP Warns the Southern Triangle Local Councils against the Eastern Railroad Plan

Adalah and ACAP Request Cancelation of the Master Plan to Establish an Ultra-Orthodox City- Harish

The Regional Council of Misgav Adds 300 Dunams near Rami to its Jurisdictional Area

Conferences and Study Days

The Arab Center for Alternative Planning Organizes Meeting Regarding Tantoor Plan

ACAP Holds 11th Annual Land and Housing Conference

A Consultation Meeting at ACAP about the Recent Forest Establishment Plans

Research and Publications
Not Enough Land Allocated to Meet Needs of Arab Community
Flash Presentations
Flash Presentation on Unrecognized Arab Villages in the Negev